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Our Vision for Our Community.

“Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish is a safe community of love, who believes in the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives, and forms disciples who bring people to Jesus. 

As a disciple that belongs to our community I commit to grow by worshipping, learning, connecting, serving, giving and making disciples.”

Will you join us in the journey to achieving this God inspired dream?

What we value at OLSC Parish


Proclaiming the Gospel by word and action to change lives and to bring people to Jesus.


“Never see a need without doing something about it.” (St Mary of the Cross).


We are accountable to each other in a spirit of trust and vulnerability.


Always striving to give and achieve the best in all circumstances for the Glory of God.


 Listening to the signs of the Holy Spirit and moving forward with no fear to where God wants us to be. As individuals, we have the inner strength and level of commitment needed to speak honestly and directly about one’s thoughts, opinions and experiences – good or bad.

We believe that our values shape the culture of our parish. We aspire to create a healthy culture in our community in order to be fruitful in our mission and ministry.

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