Everyone has Questions
Everyone should give themselves the opportunity to explore life and faith, to ask the big questions, and to share their point of view in an open and friendly environment. Alpha can be that place for you!
Come and explore life, faith & meaning.
What is Alpha?
Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith, in a friendly, open and informal environment.
Alpha is not so much a course, but an EXPERIENCE! Gathering once a week over a nine week period, each Alpha experience brings people together from every walk of life. Alpha has a weekly rhythm. Normally we begin each Alpha by sharing food, then we watch a short film, and finally we share our thoughts in a small group of people.
Who is Alpha for?
Alpha is for everyone and anyone wanting to explore life and faith. The beauty of Alpha is that there are no questions or opinions that are too hostile, too silly or too simple. Alpha has no prerequisites whatsoever. We come together with one another as we are, free to be ourselves.
Over 29 million people across the globe have done Alpha!
Upcoming Alpha experience:
Sunday Alpha starts on the 7th of July from 10:15am to 12pm.
Childcare is available.
Come and see what it is all about…feel free to drop in, there is no obligation to stay.
Catholic first steps – RCIA
After you have journeyed through Alpha, do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith?
Upcoming RCIA
This is a personalised journey and can begin at any time. If you are interested, please click the button below and fill in the form:
What is RCIA?
RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is a small group environment, where people who are exploring Catholic Christianity, get to know more about the message of Christ and the mission of his Church.
Discover the Catholic faith as you step through 26 topics that cover the Bible, church, sacraments and moral life.
Who is RCIA for?
Whether you’re looking to take the next step toward becoming Catholic or you just want to ask more questions about the Catholic faith, RCIA is the place for you.
For those wanting to be baptised
After preparation, the non-baptised are joyfully received into the Catholic Church by the reception of the Sacrament of baptism.
For those who want to receive First Holy Communion and Confirmation
Those already baptised, following a period of preparation, are welcomed into full communion of the Catholic Church by the reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.